search engine optimization

  • seo search engine optimization salterra digital services

How Easy is it to Learn SEO?

February 11, 2023|

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a discipline that uses a set of rules to get your website to the top positions on search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. SEO can seem intimidating, but with time and effort, you can learn all the basics of this discipline. It can even lead to a career as an SEO specialist. Learn On-Page SEO Cost of Quality SEO Training You can get some basic SEO training for free online, but it's usually best to go with an instructor-led digital marketing Course like SEO University. This can teach you the fundamentals of search engine optimization and give you a solid foundation for learning more advanced skills later. A good SEO training course will cover various topics, including keyword research, link building, and content marketing. They will also help you create a structure you can follow when optimizing your website. Many courses have checklists [...]

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What is Schema

February 11, 2023|

What is Schema, and Is It Helpful? Schema is a type of microdata that helps search engines understand a website's content more effectively. It is a type of code that is added to a website to provide additional information about the content on the page beyond what is visible to the end user. This information can help search engines rank pages more accurately and display rich snippets in the search results, improving click-through rates and engagement. In this article, we will explore the concept of Schema and answer the top 5 most popular questions about "Advanced Schema." Learn How To do Advanced Schema What is Schema, and why is it important? Schema is a type of microdata that provides additional information about the content on a web page. This information can include things like the type of content (such as a product, a review, or an event), the properties of [...]

  • how to do keyword research in 2023 does it matter seo university by salterra

How To Do Keyword Research

February 11, 2023|

How To Do Keyword Research in 2023 Keyword research is a vital component of any successful SEO strategy. Without it, your content won’t get the visibility it needs to attract traffic. To do keyword research, start by creating a list of topic buckets relevant to your business. Then brainstorm for keywords that fit within those topics. 1. Look at Your Competitors If you’re trying to rank for keywords online, you need a solid understanding of the search landscape. Fortunately, you can use tools to help you get this information quickly. An excellent first step is looking at your competitors’ websites. This will give you an idea of what they’re doing right and where they might fall short. It’s also a great way to determine which keywords drive traffic to their sites. You can also look for their social media presence, including how often they post and what content gets the [...]

  • What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

February 9, 2022|

Do you know what SEO stands for and how this service can help your business? Are you concerned that you don’t have the experience or resources to rank well? SEO is affordable and effective, allowing you to reach new customers, sustain existing clients, and increase sales. SEO University is uniquely qualified for successful Search Engine Optimization. Through our SEO University program, we can help promote your business and teach you how to optimize yourself. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, means setting up your website and content to effectively represent your business and your website through online search results. This happens when people search keywords online, e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Google search results are the most important if we are being honest. While many marketing strategies rely on you reaching out to your audience directly, SEO allows you to reach people when they are actively searching for information related to [...]

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What is Network Syndication

February 7, 2022|

What is IFTTT Network Syndication? “If this, then that.” In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), IFTTT is a defining concept for developing networking software for maximum reachability and networking efficiency. IFTTT inspires a chain of thinking and programming that connects apps, devices, and services from different developers to trigger one or more automation involving those apps, devices, and services. Through this modality, you can seek out specific triggers and formulate what is referred to as “applets” or “recipes.” They are akin to macros connecting multiple apps to run automated tasks. Nearly all of these triggers are related to social media, and once you pick your trigger, you can also select the action you want to happen because of that trigger. If this trigger occurs, then this result will transpire. Create these recipes and move on to the next; your work here is done. The “if” and “then” words aren’t always used, [...]

  • content writing

Writing Perfect SEO Content

February 5, 2022|

What Is Good Content? Write great content; that’s what Google wants! While this is technically correct SEO advice, the problem is that it doesn’t give you a clear blueprint of how to do that. “Great” is an adjective and not a very descriptive one at that. What’s great for a college course, a fictional book or a website for Google are three very different things. The good news is that Google has been very open with what they want to see, and it’s clear from the past few years what “great content” means to Google. By understanding what features Google looks for when ranking content, you can also write great content that ranks well! Not just now but into the future, as well! Top Goal: Be the Most In-Depth Resource A very good way of looking at what makes “best” content is looking for content that is the most in-depth, [...]