content writing

What Is Good Content?

Write great content; that’s what Google wants! While this is technically correct SEO advice, the problem is that it doesn’t give you a clear blueprint of how to do that. “Great” is an adjective and not a very descriptive one at that. What’s great for a college course, a fictional book or a website for Google are three very different things.

The good news is that Google has been very open with what they want to see, and it’s clear from the past few years what “great content” means to Google. By understanding what features Google looks for when ranking content, you can also write great content that ranks well! Not just now but into the future, as well!

Top Goal: Be the Most In-Depth Resource

A very good way of looking at what makes “best” content is looking for content that is the most in-depth, useful, and delivers the answer to what a Google search is most likely looking for with that phrase. Someone writing blog posts with this always being the top goal is going to consistently beat out bloggers looking at keyword percentages, LSI terms, and things like that.

Be the resource that is genuinely the most helpful and you will consistently beat outposts whose content is “better optimized.” There are ways to be a better resource than others, and by focusing on these specific things your content will shine for both the reader and for SEO purposes.

Charts & Graphs

We’re not talking about those stupid charts on many low-quality affiliate sites that have a linked picture, a linked title, a brief description, and then a “buy now” button or “check price” button. That doesn’t give enough information. Now a chart that has a picture and title, a brief description, size/dimensions, weight, average cost, and average grade: is a fantastic resource. One that probably stands out compared to every other website in your niche.

A heavy informational table like this will not only get a big thumbs-up from Google but can even be converted into a Snippet in certain specific searches.

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Good content is informational and well-organized in a useful way

Statistics & Original Research

Statistics are useful, they are original information, and really good charts tend to get links. That is further SEO help and builds that authority that Google wants to see. In fact, many successful bloggers have noted they build all their content around the tried and true knowledge that “Original statistics attract links.”

This goes hand in hand with the importance of original research. So much content online is rehashed. Even when you look at the top five results in Google for a term, so often the same information is in each one just re-written or re-phrased a certain way. Yet some very commonly asked questions have yet to be reliable online answer. Because “It depends” or “It varies” isn’t an answer. Look for questions searchers might be looking for.

Could you contact experts in the field? Visit forums. Ask friends who have first-hand knowledge. Want to know how one type of rifle compares to another? Start a conversation with a gun shop owner. Do you need any help figuring out what makes it hard to start a campfire? Talk to a local Boy Scout Troop. Want to know what to look for when looking at a new house? Talk to a local contractor or renovation specialist.

That verbal information may not appear anywhere online. This is way more common than you would think. Get original research, original information, and be the go-to resource for that information. Add in a quote, if you can, and this even allows you to look at sites that copy your information later and demand a link or report them for copyright.

Good content is original and informative.

What Do the Top 5 Results Look Like?

Do your homework. Are there closely related topics or questions that all of them answer? Are one or two of these results real outliers compared to the others? What makes them stick out? You may find that each result in the top five tackles one part of the issue and none others do.

If you cover all the important questions and areas those top five results do and provide the best comprehensive resource, you will eventually win those top ranks.

Good content is in-depth and comprehensive and provides important related information the searcher also needs.

What Questions Has No One Answered?

Even nowadays, there are massive information gaps all over the Internet. This is especially true if you are an affiliate marketer. So many of those sites are focusing on products or re-hashing the same basic FAQ over and over again in different ways. What questions did you have as a beginner in this niche? What little tricks or bits of knowledge have you learned? If you are new, what questions do you have and need help finding a clear answer to?

These are all opportunities to provide clear information that answers questions as thoroughly as possible without getting bogged down or making things over-complicated.

Good content answers questions.

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Personal Experience

Can you talk about personal experience? Google wants to know why they should provide your content to others. A product review where the person has used the product will rank over one where it’s clear the person has not used or tested them. When you can talk about being an expert or having your own experiences, Google gives a lot of weight to that. It’s not the end-all, be-all, but if you can add a personal experience, that is a definite plus to your website or blog content.

Good content offers a good first-person experience from an author you can trust.

Original Pictures

Original pictures matter. At some point, your site will be checked by human eyes, and people can tell the difference between a good picture and an average one (or a bad one). Many common stock photos are stock photos, although these can be acceptable. They are better than nothing or a terrible picture. That said, original pictures are easy to pick out and will add authority to your content in really strong ways.

Good stock photos are acceptable, like those with paid sources, but good original pictures matter. Plus, if you took the pictures, you can do a reverse Google Image Search and find anyone who uses your photo. Send them a follow-up email saying they must attribute the picture with a link. You’d be surprised how many links you get—those who don’t have a copyright claim.

That way, even with good original pictures, you not only get authority and build trust, but you may also get links!

Good content has perfect pictures that are original, whenever possible.

The Small Technical Writing Tips

There are small technical tips for writing good content. Most of these have been gone over to death, and honestly, more sites hurt themselves by going so by the book heavy with Grammarly on the technical stuff that their content is sterile. That said, there are little things you can do to set yourself apart as good content.

First, mention your primary keyword or topic in the first paragraph. I love story-telling styles to pull a reader in, but you want your main topic in the first paragraph for the engineering side of SEO and Google. Make the first paragraph state what the article is about, lead into the story with paragraph two (if you’re using that method).

Two, watch your tone. You’re not a high school teacher at a private school lecturing to kids as a captive audience. Have life. Have an authentic style. Make your content enjoyable to read. This matters not only directly but will also help indirect SEO factors like bounce rate, time on page, or repeat visitors.

Three, use the power of a summary paragraph. Early on have a basic summary or topic paragraph that lets the reader know what the page is about. This should be clear and can even take a bullet point or list format. In social media, this would be the TL;DR version. Having this early looks good can help win snippets and set the stage for what’s to follow.

Beyond that, use proper grammar and punctuation. If it’s obvious you’re not fluent in the language you’re writing, that piece of content will struggle.

Human Checkers

This was a badly kept secret back in 2010, and it’s even worse now. Many of these “AI advances” are armies of gig workers manually reviewing search results, comments, feedback, and websites. In other words, if your site is going to rank highly in the search engines, then your website will be reviewed by human eyes. Keeping this in mind helps remind you to write naturally and for the reader. This is always good advice, but it is valid SEO advice now, as well1

Good content is written for the reader!

If you follow these tips you will be producing great content that Google (and your readers) will love!

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Who Is SEO University .net?

Salterra Web Services: Your Partner for Digital Success

Established by Terry and Elisabeth Samuels, Salterra Web Services is a leading provider of comprehensive digital solutions to help businesses succeed online. With years of experience and expertise in the industry, the Samuels have established Salterra as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes across various industries.

Salterra Web Services delivers high-quality, affordable web design and SEO services. The team is dedicated to creating stunning, responsive websites that reflect each client’s business’s unique identity while ensuring maximum visibility in search engine results.

Beyond web design and SEO, Salterra offers extensive services encompassing the entire digital spectrum. This includes internet marketing, social media management, PPC, and e-commerce solutions tailored to meet each client’s specific needs and goals.

Salterra’s ethos is firmly rooted in a client-focused approach. The team is committed to understanding each business’s specific needs, objectives, and challenges, enabling them to deliver solutions that drive accurate results. This client-first philosophy, combined with a passion for staying on the cutting edge of digital trends, has cemented Salterra’s reputation for excellence in the digital services sector.

Salterra is not just about providing services; it’s about building partnerships. As your digital ally, Salterra supports your online growth journey, offering expert guidance and innovative solutions at every step. With Salterra, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner committed to your business’s online success.

With the launch of SEO University, Salterra Web Services is taking its commitment to education and empowering businesses a step further. By sharing its knowledge and expertise through a comprehensive online SEO curriculum, it aims to equip business owners, agency owners, and budding SEO practitioners with the skills needed to thrive in the evolving world of digital marketing.

Terry Samuels: A Leading Voice in the World of SEO

Terry Samuels is an eminent figure in the digital marketing industry, renowned for his profound knowledge and unwavering passion for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As a skilled SEO Speaker and Trainer, he is committed to sharing his insights and cultivating a culture of continuous learning within the SEO community.

Terry Samuels co-founded Salterra Web Services, a comprehensive digital services provider that helps businesses of all sizes thrive online. Along with his partner, Elisabeth Samuels, Terry has cultivated Salterra into a leading digital solutions firm that offers quality and affordable web design, SEO services, and more.

His role extends beyond business leadership. Terry’s enthusiasm for SEO has made him an influential voice in the industry. As an SEO Speaker, he regularly speaks at conferences, webinars, and seminars, offering attendees the benefit of his vast experience and unique insights into the ever-evolving world of SEO. He’s known for articulating complex SEO concepts in an engaging and easily understood manner, making him a popular choice for events worldwide.

As an SEO Trainer, Terry’s mission is to empower individuals and businesses with the skills necessary to achieve their online objectives. His approachable style and deep technical expertise make his training sessions highly informative and engaging. He has a knack for simplifying intricate SEO strategies, allowing his students to grasp and implement them effectively, regardless of their previous knowledge or experience level.

The launch of SEO University, an online platform offering an exhaustive SEO curriculum, is the culmination of Terry’s dedication to education and his belief in empowering as many people as possible with SEO knowledge. With this initiative, Terry aims to guide business owners, agency owners, and budding SEO enthusiasts from the basics to the advanced aspects of SEO.

Terry Samuels is not just an SEO expert; he’s a mentor, a guide, and an industry leader committed to promoting understanding and growth within the digital marketing world. Whether leading Salterra, speaking at an industry event, or training the next generation of SEO professionals, Terry is a force driving the future of SEO.